Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter with the girlfriend

I went to my girlfriend's family Easter on sunday for lunch and was greeted with open arms. I had met most of the family members before this get together, but only once. The aunt i made friends with at the first get together immediatly started talking to me agian which made me feel more comfortable. I think i stayed either next to my girlfriend or that one particular aunt the entire time. I think it is funny that people will flock toward some form of comfort. If i was not able to be next to either of those two, nine out of ten i was quiet and next to invisible. This reminds me of the way class was at the begining of the semester. People came in and sat next to their friends and talk to their friends only. This has proggresivily evolved into a comfortable level with everyone and i am looking forward to having that comfort with my girlfriends family someday.

hello all

so how is everyone doing. I hope all my fellow classmates had a great easter break. My break was good I spent most of my time with my family which was good. I had to do some acting because I got mad at my girlfriend and had to pretend I was not. I am a damn good actor to not get yelled at by her. She is very mean and I think my skills that I have learned in class have helped me tremendously with not getting yelled at.

love, peace, and chicken grease


I am really happy that we finally got our project. I think it is going to be really fun and I like that we get to add our own creativity to the equation. The activity that we did on thursday was really cool. I think I liked it alot more than the tangled activity that we did.
So I hope you all had good easter breaks. I went home on Sunday and had dinner with my family and my moms parents. It was nice sitting around and having a good home cooked meal for once. Its tough eating a huge meal like that here at school... I take for granted how much I actually depend on people to get food for me. I can't seem to make the quality of food my mom makes at home here at school, it makes me sad, 'cause I know I'm going to have to be doing this soon. Well I'll see ya all at class in the a.m.

Keep it real.
So from what was described on Thursday I'm kinda excited about what this new exercise is that we are doing this week. It's gonna be tough getting back into the swing of things with classes cause it has felt like we have barely done anything in school for awhile. I got a harsh reminder of how lazy I've been getting lately. I'm taking CS 245 Robotics and Machine Learning this semester and we have a lab due well tomorrow now and my group isn't finished. It's amazing how things sneak up on you. So now it seems like I have everything on my plate all at once and its just all getting closer and closer. It's really amazing the amount of stress placed upon us sometimes. I feel like have to be superwoman to really get it all done. It reminds me how thankful I am for this class this semester. It really has helped keep me from going insane. It's a nice break from accounting or robotics. OK well I'll see you all in the morning and I feel like this will be another week of me not being late!!!

Easter Break

I didn't really do much over Easter break. I wasn't feeling very well, so I spent all the time lying on the couch and watching TV. Actually, in Bulgaria it is not Easter yet because we use the Orthodox calendar instead of the Catholic and Easter is sometime in April. Come to think of it, now that this break is over, we won't have any other breaks for the remaining 7 weeks of school.'s somewhat depressing...

class thursday

class last thursday was interesting. Iam excited to see how much we are all improving in this class and its nice to hear that we are as well. i hope everybody had a nice easter! see u in class this week!
So during my massive amounts of college basketball watching, I saw tons of commercials. Many of which were completely a waste of time, but I still made sure I watched the acting. There was one in particular that the actor made a gesture in accordance to what he said. It was basically perfect, from my eyes, and made me think about that gesture. How many times would it have happened that the actor played out that role, and that one, glorious time, he made some gesture that went perfectly with his character. It so natural that I it is hard for me to believe that it was an actor. Even in class, when we try to feel things, and be the character, it is so very difficult to separate oneself and be the character. To also have the right gestures, not necessarily the right inflections is to me ridiculous.